William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Letter About Love

"Morning Sunshine"  By Sandy Jones  

Another Personal Letter About Love 

From William Samuel  to Sandy Jones - Written 1986

Dear Sandy, 

There are many new things to write, Sandy. They all have to do with life and love enthusiasm and childlikeness. They have to do with simplicity and tenderness, gentleness and the fact of Already.  The new words have nothing to do with problems, or paradoxes, intellectualism or personality. 

Furthermore, they are difficult to write, they are difficult to say, because the old nature of us misconstrues, distorts and attempts to turn them into something ugly. So, I hesitate. 

The day is coming when these things will be listened to without so much askance  and without such violent reaction. The fact is Reality is real, Reality is perfect, Reality is all. Transcendent Reality being all there is to the consciousness presently reading these words.

One may say that at this moment consciousness seems to be filled with problems. But the believing that this is so merely gives authority to the seeming. We do not deny the seeming, we leave it, we let it alone and the power goes out of it.   If the bird appears to eat a cricket, so what? Isness still Is, Perfection is still Perfect, All is still All, this Identity being us is still God’s Self Identification and nothing we say or believe, or do not say, or fail to understand, an alter this Fact one iota.   

Strange as it may seem, there is a violent reaction within us when we finally get down to Reality Itself.  You see, the old nature struggles vehemently to maintain its position. For most of us it requires a good stiff kick to alter our old opinions. But new light comes from the altered view, never from the old position. 

Sandy, you are a monumental and perfect you. Because perfection Itself is being all you are.  There are many wonders in store for you and yours, as you go about the happy business of just being.

Now, you are an artist, and you will know the wisdom of running off with uninhibited, unbound feeling you see as Love. Now, it is tempered by the intellect, but Love is the leader. Hidden at the center of this feeling and barely noticed, is a sense of peace, tranquillity, serenity, a very gentle joy. It is the absence of elation the absence of discomfort. Oh but it is the transcendent presence of that which is being all sensation, all feeling.  Now when you find this center, you will be delighted, for you will know that you have found another aspect of the Infinite Identity you are. 

This is the happiness that nothing can take from us.  This is the Peace that does not ebb and flow between serenity and sadness.

When next you ride up the valley where your special place is, rest for a time under one of your oaks, sit loose and feel whatever comes to be felt.  Listen, listen to the heart and you will hear it and you will be refreshed.  

Who ever you think of at that time, think of love, and feel the love you feel, for that love is real and it is unbound and understands all things.  God the Simple Truth is Love.

Love is not fickle, love does not blow warm one day and cold the next, love is consistently Its Self.  Love, love looks and Lives.   Love understands because love is understanding, love doesn’t condemn itself or anyone else.   Love is not guilty, love is not restrictive, it’s not bound, it’s not confined or contained, love is not beholden to any institution.  All institutions exist by virtue of the fact that love Is, if indeed they exist at all. Love is not bound by the institution of marriage at all.  Its silly for any of us, whether we appear to be in that institution or out of it, or a part of it or not a part of it, it is silly to believe  that that institution is capable of providing us happiness or depriving  us of happiness  -- It simply can’t do it, not really, not when we see that Love, this Identity I am has the dominion.

Love, there is only one Love, Love is love, it has no opposite.  All Love is love, human love, personal love, sexual love, being in love, are all an aspect of infinite love which cannot be bound, cannot be circumscribed, cannot be confined, love, just simple love, whether we spell it with a capital letter or not, we mean the same Love, the very same Love, the very nature of being, the one that God is -- the God that is Love, the Love that is Identity, here as I, as all. 

Singleness reveals the gentle Simplicity of singleness, the mysteries answered.

I know what leads you, Sandy, and I trust you, you are important to us all. Bill  

  William Samuel  (1986)

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Friday, November 14, 2014

Lessons of Mr.Shieh The Taoist Master

Artwork by Sandy Jones 

What a Master is, is one who recognizes God,
who can say “This is it”-- “This is it" THIS is IT -- That’s all a Master is.

William Samuel tells us this wonderful story about one of his teachers, a Taoist Master, who came to him during William's days as an Captain of Infantry in China WWII

You can watch the entire talk on the video
 Seminar in White, Georgia
 available on DVD from Amazon 

Transcribed from William Samuel Seminar DVD    
By William Samuel 

Lessons of Mr.Shieh The Taoist Master
 You Fool   

"Mr. Shieh asked me what is meant by “the same moon shines on ten thousand rivers” Well, it wasn’t long before I had several pages filled to answer “t
The same moon shines on ten thousand rivers.”

"When I went to see Mr.shieh I must have given the right answer because he kept me for his student, to study under the Taoist traditions, which is very hard-- you only see the Master once every thirty days, only once in 30 days, about 28 days, a moon-- "

"He gave me a discipline to do, that discipline was to walk down and go into this village and to see good in everybody, no matter what they looked like, no matter what they said, did, but to keep looking at them until I could see some good. I still do that, it’s the funnest difference there ever was--all of you try it, keep going until you can see something good about that one. now sometimes It aint‘ easy. It was really easy for me to see a pretty lady and see something good, isn’t so easy to see an old man. "

"On my last day in China with Mr. Shieh he didn’t come the way he was supposed to. He was supposed to come right down and greet me with the Chinese thing, like this, and he didn’t come, and he didn’t come and he didn’t come. Finally, late in the day, I sent the little tiny soldier that was there to ask for Mr.Shieh, to please come, I only got to see him once in 28 days, he was the only one in that part of the world that could speak English. Well, finally he showed up, he was wearing his slippers, and he looked very angry. He looked at me and he said, “you fool!” -- Haha -- I didn’t know what he meant -- I had done everything I was supposed to do -- He looked at me the second time and he said “you fool!” and then he spun around and he left. "

"And that was the last time I saw Mr. Shieh. Never ever saw him again."

"Some moths later, I’m home and there is a letter for me, and my dad with great anticipation said, there’s a letter from China for you-- in those days it was so very rare to get letters from so far away-- and I recognized the date on the letter, it was the date of the incident, I recalled that the incident, the day he called me a fool. I opened the letter and I read it, and it said approximately;"

"Dear Bill, I will, this day, call your attention to the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. This day I am going to tell you all that stands between you and self-fulfillment, between you and peace, between you and joy, between you and victory, all that stands between you and IT" -- the letter went on---"This day I am going to do the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. I’m going to show you how two words, just sounds, a word can’t hurt you, you know, it’s just a sound, I’m going to show you how two words will step between a friendship of many years"-- I had to stop and think what the two words were, he had called me a fool,  "You fool" -  and walked out. "

"Mr. Shieh passed on a few moths later-- but he is a live now more than he ever was. (and in that letter) Mr. Shieh called me a Master.  And he said when I do understand this, when I do, I want you to know what a Master is, and never abuse it, you can’t teach it, but never abuse it. What a Master is is one who recognizes God, who can say “This is it”-- “This is it" THIS is IT -- That’s all a Master is. "

"Before our session is over with, I hope I can call everyone’s attention to all that stands between you and Joy, between you and the answer to every question, between you and wealth, between you and sufficiency, I hope I can do that--in this hour-and-half we have."

Transcribed from the DVD "William Samuel Seminar "

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Imagination, Reality

Excerpt from The Awareness of Self-Discovery    
by William Samuel 


Imagination, Reality And Judglessness

When an oppressive situation is at hand and tranquillity appears to be threatened, there are many things we can do that will "heal" the situation—and quickly. For instance, we can open the doors of imagination to the real and beautiful.

This requires an act of strength because our every intellectual tendency is to NOT leave the scene of misery but to hang in there and do battle with it. Anything less is called intellectual cowardice and labeled "escapism" by the world. But we let go the apparent scene long enough to let imagination carry us back to the Principle wherein no inharmony exists. Soon we touch an area of gentle relief within ourself and we can be certain we will shortly be lifted up, out of gloom, into the atmosphere of the Absolute.

This journey of Awareness is helped considerably if we write it into words as we go along. The act of writing carries us more deeply into the Within where tranquillity is.

Here is an example of such a journey:


Once I lived beneath the massive oaks of the Mississippi coast. Those oaks are there yet. Even this instant when an oppressive situation is attempting to make me yield to it, I know those giant trees are there, mighty monarchs, massive and green, festooned with flowing moss.  Yellow flickers, wax wings and cardinals dart among them. Gray squirrels scamper along their high branches jumping with measured grace from limb to limb. This very instant that scene is one of peace and tranquillity. The air is moist and sweet there. A gentle peace holds the scene in silence.

Now I see a winding road that skirts a mountain cove. Hickory, sycamore and pine line the field below. Crisp mountain air bathes the scene and bees hum past in swift arcs carrying the day's pollen to the hive and home. A deer peers cautiously from the woodland and drinks from a cool stream at his feet. The scene is just a scene being a scene—tangibly "there" in that mountain glade; intangibly "here" as a sparkling pristine vision in the Mind's eye that Awareness is. "Here," I see, is merely the "place" the outside becomes the inside, the inside, outside.

Awareness is the Mind's eye, the Mind's ear. It is the whole (holy) gamut of perception. Awareness is Mind's function functioning—for which Mind is responsible.

Ah, but here is the point I have been so slow to perceive, so reluctant to admit. MIND is responsible, not the ego-me. For how many years have I played at being God, custodian of Awareness, manipulator of the sights and sounds that comprise this Identity-I-am? What wonders are mine each time I make the sacrifice and come out from the custodian's role to let Mind be this functioning I am. 

What does this have to do with the mountain cove or the trees along the Southern shore? It has to do with the consciousness of the trees and fields, the oceans, the Pleiades and the stars in far places. It has to do with this Identity-I-am, God's Self-cognizance.


We are wont to have a vague Spiritual universe to dream and talk about—a universe wherein no imperfection exists and one to which we may appeal to rectify the malappearances in our tangible world. We are eager to have a visionary heaven, yet the place where we expect to see Harmony's evidence is ever in the here and now of tangibility. All this while we are looking at Harmony's very trees, stones and desert places, calling them dreams, calling them unreal, trying to heal them. We would have a dualism despite ourselves—a real and an unreal, a heaven and an earth, a truth and an error, an above and a below. 

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear," said Jesus. "When you make the two one. When you make the above as below, the first as the last, the inside as the outside..."

We do not discard the scene at hand in some grand metaphysical sweep, calling it all unreal. We turn from it—but we turn only long enough to see it is not the scene that lies, but the judge of it, the liar we play when we separate ourselves from Awareness (the Identity we are) to play at being God, the director of Awareness. Images within the scene have neither the value nor the authority the liar gives them. 

I look out and see that Heaven is this very Scene at hand!

The agony that began the exercise of imagination turns out to be something else. Tranquillity lets me see what—and act accordingly.
There is much power in this message. If you will, you can feel it. How much MORE is the Life of YOU!
If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Time and Prophecy

 By William Samuel   


Time And Prophecy In The Light Of Awareness

"Is it possible to know the future?"


"Doesn't this mean that the future exists?"


"How can this be so when the NOW is all we are concerned with?"

Because the NOW is being all there is to both past and future. It includes all that is called the future, consequently we are enabled to know it; this future we "know" is NOW. not afar off. Only to the conceptual, judgmental way of looking at things does it appear to be not-now and something distant.


Time is applicable only as a measure between the people, places, and things of the tangible universe. The absolutists are correct when they state that Infinity exists as a dimension "above and beyond" time. It is beyond time in the same way that the sphere is "beyond" the plane. It does not exclude the plane, however. Rather, an infinity of planes constitutes its being, and to be the sphere is to find oneself knowing all about the planes. We would not say, "There are no planes." Instead, we would see them in a new, expanded light. And so it is that unbound, uninhibited Awareness perceives time in a new light. This new light, as the prophets of old knew, is the basis for all that constitutes "prophecy" as it really is—not as we read about it in the newspapers nor as it has been popularized.

To toss out everything pertaining to "time" as "not absolute enough" is a stage we all go through in our study of Truth, but when we begin to find ourselves knowing certain things that "are going" to happen, we are then looking on time from a grander dimension, not merely disclaiming its reality. The Hebrews of old considered this to be the only legitimate mark of spiritual attainment.


Dear John, 

The prophecy "talk" was more novelty than Light, even though everything "happened" exactly so. I have stopped being surprised by such events. There is nothing unusual about what the world calls prophecy, as the ancient Hebrews knew, but what prophecy is, and what the world thinks it is, are two different things. That which it has been my delight to discover and be has to do with "broadening and rising higher and higher from a boundless basis." I simply find myself knowing what will "happen" and it is as simple as that.


My morning-glories are deeper blue this year—and climbing higher.


Dear Steve,

If you were here (and in truth you are) I would have you comprehend and experience the singular authority of the following Action.

Like the kids of this day and age are begging, we stick to the sights, sounds and equanimity of this Now, as difficult as it may seem to be. We simply refuse to go wandering in the far country of a human past or future. The Now is now—and Now is the transcendent basis for all the judge would call his past or his future.

We give the lightest touch to plans and calculations. The old nature of us would have us dwell in doubt, confusion and great consternation about the "future." It would even rename that future and call it "My Future-Now-Awareness" in order to go on planning, calculating and worrying about events to come—events that are not now.

The now-awareness that presently reads these words is all right! The awareness that presently includes whatever images are at hand—chair, room, book, window, picture, tree, cloud, birdsong, whatever—is the Now which is quite all right this instant. We remain right here "to be passersby," In and as this passerby we find this Now-Awareness living Itself as us and is not a "we" who are living the Now. We end the "me" who says "my awareness" to simply be Awareness. Then, the time-bound me out of the way, we find ourselves knowing many things about the me's "future," and what he calls "prophecy." Chief among these discoveries is the knowledge that the Transcendent Now is being all there is to what is called time. As the Bible puts it, "...that which is to be hath already been...that which hath been is now."
If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -